প্রশ্নব্যাংক | আমাদের প্রশ্ন সম্ভার


34th BCS English ( First Paper )

Subject Code: 003
Time allowed —3 hours
Full marks—l00
[N.B. — The figures in the right margin indicate full marks. Answer all the questions. ]

1. Translate into Bangla:- 20
Man is liable to some troubles from which society cannot save him—he has always suffered from death, sorrow, disappointments of various kinds and disease, etc. It is only self-confidence and a absolute reliance on God that can save him from them. If he gains self-confidence and devotion to God, even the direct misfortune will not be able to upset him in any way. Strong in his own power, he will face all his troubles with a smiling face. But our students are deprived of this education under the present system. It has to be reintroduced if our men, and for that matter the country, are to be saved.

2. Translate into English – 20
আমরা যে অত্যাধুনিক পৃথিবীর বাসিন্দা সে পৃথিবী আদিম সমাজ ও আমাদের পূর্ব পূরূষদের পৃথিবী থেকে সম্পূর্ন আলাদা। এটি একটি পরষ্পর সম্পর্কিত পৃথিবী যেখানে এক দেশের ঘটনাবলি সহজেই অন্য দেশের ঘটনাবলির উপর প্রভাব বিস্তার করে। কোন দেশে বন্যা, দুর্ভিক্ষ, মহামারী বা মানবিক বিপর্যয় দেখা দিলে তা সাথে সাথে আমাদের গোচরে আসে, বলা যায় – চক্ষের নিমিষে। এ ব্যাপারে সব থেকে কার্যকরী ভূমিকা পালন করে ইন্টারনেট, উপগ্রহ চ্যানেলগুলো ও সংবাদপত্র। এদের কল্যানে সমস্ত পৃথিবী একটি বইশ্বিক গ্রামে পরিনত হয়েছে। হোক সে পৃথিবীর অগম্য প্রত্যন্ত অঞ্চলসমুহ যেমন উত্তর ও দক্ষিন মেরু, গভীর স্বাপদসঙ্কুল অরণ্য যেমন আমাজন ও আফ্রিকা, অজানা রহস্য ঘেরা ঐতিহাসিক ঘটনা যেমন মিশরের পিরামিড অথবা টাইটানিকের সলিল সমাধি, শেষ পর্যন্ত সবকিছুই আমাদের কাছে উন্মোচিত হয়।

3. Amplify the idea in one of the following:— 20

(a) Man is born free but everywhere he is in chains.
(b) Procrastination is the thief of time.
(c) ‘The old order changeth yielding place to the new.’

4. Write a précis of the following passage:- 15
Cultural diversity is the quality of diverse or different cultures, as opposed to monoculture, as in the global monoculture or a homogenization of cultures, akin to cultural decay. For example, before Hawaii was conquered by Europeans, the culturally diverse Hawaiian culture existed in the world and contributed to the world’s cultural diversity. Now Hawaii has been westernized, the vast majority of its culture has been replaced with Western or American culture.

The phrase ‘cultural diversity’ can also refer to different cultures having respect for each other’s differences. The phrase ‘cultural diversity’ is sometimes misused to mean the variety of human societies or culture in a specific region, or in the world as a whole; but these phenomena are multiculturalism rather than cultural diversity.

By analogy with biodiversity, which is thought to be essential to the long term survival of life on earth, it can be argued that cultural diversity may be vital for the long term survival of humanity, and that the conservation of indigenous cultures may be as important ‘to mankind as the conservation of species and ecosystem is to life in, general. The general conference of UNESCO took this position in 2001 asserting in article l of the Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity that cultural diversity is as necessary for humankind as biodiversity is for nature. This position is rejected by some people on several grounds.

Firstly, like most evolutionary accounts of human nature, the importance of cultural diversity for survival may be an untestable hypothesis, which can neither be proved nor disarmed. Secondly, it can be argued that it is unethical deliberately to conserve less developed societies because this will deny people within those societies the benefits of technological and medical advances, enjoyed by those of us in the developed world.

In the same way, it is unethical to promote poverty in undeveloped nations as cultural diversity. It is also unethical to promote all religious practices simply because they contribute to cultural diversity. Particularly, there are some practices that are recognized by the WHO and UN as unethical such as female genital mutilation, burning the widow on the husbands burial pyre, polygamy, human sacrifice, etc.

5. Fill in the blanks (any five) :— 5

(a) He debarred me——— going.
(b) He was reduced—— skeleton.
(c) He said this—oath.
(d) He came———power very soon.
(e) We set off———the cave again.
(f) He could not call————my name.
(g) He is —— sentence of death.

6. Frame sentences with the following expressions (any five) :— 5

(a) A wolf in sheep’s clothing
(b) Gift of the gab
(c) Helter skelter
(d) Rank and file
(e) Foot the bill
(f) Fight shy of
(g) Carry the day.

7. Correct the following sentences (any five):— 5

(a) The secretary absented from the meeting.
(b) Can he play piano?
(c) The patient was born to the hospital.
(d) Each man and each boy did their best.
(e) Everything including the books were bought.
(f) He made less mistakes than I.
(g) Can you tell me where does he live?
(h) I don’t enjoy to look after children.

8. Change the narration of the given sentences (any five):— 5

(a) The prisoner said to the Judge, “By Allah! I have not stolen the money, I am wrongly accused.’’
(b) The people said to their Chairman, “Let us repair the road with our own means.”
(c) The Principal said to the students, “Don’t waste your time in futile argument, listen to your subject teacher if you find anything confusing.”
(d) “Congratulations on your brilliant success!” said Azim to his friend cheerfully.
(e) “I wish l were a billionaire!” said his father with a deep sigh.
(f) He said to me, “May you be happy.”
(g) Alexander said to Porus, “How do you desire to be treated?”

9. Use the correct form of verbs shown in the parentheses:— 5

The barbarous Pakistan army (launch) their orgy of blood, death and destruction on the sleeping Bangladesh on the night of 25 March, 1971. They (strike) them with all their military power. They (butcher) thousands of innocent and helpless people on that night. Gradually our freedom fighters started (give) counter attacks. Finally the tyrannical forces (court) ignominious defeat for their savagery.


  1. AUTHORSohel Rana

    on May 19, 2016 at 1:17 PM - Reply

    I want to download the 34th bcs Math written question. please help.

  2. AUTHORAnonno

    on August 30, 2015 at 10:09 AM - Reply

    Thanks for ur question…it is more helpful for us.Go ahead

    • AUTHORProsno Bank Team

      on August 30, 2015 at 12:45 PM - Reply

      Prosno Bank Team

      Glad to know that bro.

  3. AUTHORMd. Matior Rahman

    on March 15, 2015 at 9:55 AM - Reply

    I want to download all the 34th BCS written question papers.
    Please help me by sending the questions in my email inbox or tell me how to download it..

    • AUTHORMd. Matior Rahman

      on March 15, 2015 at 9:58 AM - Reply

      It is already here…
      I have got it…

      • AUTHORProsno Bank Team

        on March 15, 2015 at 10:35 AM -

        Prosno Bank Team

        You are most welcome.
        জেনে ভাল লাগল যে আমাদের উদ্যোগটা আপনার সামান্য হলেও কাজে লেগেছে।

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